Naftali Bennett: Israel will maintain freedom of action [against the Iranian regime] with or without an agreement

Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett holds a press conference about the Covid-19, at HaKirya base in Tel Aviv, January 11, 2022. Photo by Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90 *** Local Caption *** ???????? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ???? ?????? ????? ?? 5

At the beginning of his cabinet meeting on Feb 6, 2022, the Israeli Prime Minister reiterated that the Islamic regime of Iran is at the forefront of threats against Israel.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting said: “The greatest threat against the State of Israel is Iran. As the government, we are responsible for dealing with the Iranian nuclear program and, of course, we are monitoring the Vienna talks. Our position is well known and clear: An agreement, according to the apparent terms will damage the ability to deal with the nuclear program. Whoever thinks that an agreement will increase stability, is mistaken. It will temporarily delay enrichment but all of us in the region will pay a heavy, disproportionate price for it.

In recent weeks, precisely during the negotiations, Iran is increasing its aggression and repeatedly using terrorism in the region, as you all have seen. This is how you conduct negotiations, Tehran style.”

The Israeli Prime Minister reiterated the military option against the Islamic regime of Iran: “We are currently closing gaps and building up Israel’s military strength for years and even decades to come. Israel will maintain freedom of action in any case, with or without an agreement.”

Naftali Bennett warned companies intending to invest in Iran, saying: “Every knowledgeable investor knows that investing in the Iranian regime, in the Iranian economy, is an unwise investment in both the long and intermediate terms.”

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