Statement by the United States and E3: Accelerating the nuclear activities of the Islamic regime of Iran has only a military justification


The leaders of the United States, Britain, Germany, and France issued a joint statement after meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome, Italy, expressing grave concern about the acceleration of Iran’s nuclear activities.

Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron reiterated their commitment to prevent the Islamic Republic of Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.  “There is no civilian (peaceful) justification, but it is necessary to build a nuclear weapon.”  The statement, which was released by the French Presidential Palace at 5pm Central European Time, said: “We are meeting in Rome today to discuss the danger of escalating the Iranian regime’s nuclear activities for global security.”

A statement from the four leaders said, “These activities add to concerns about Iran’s declining cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and its transparency.”  “Continued developments in Iran’s nuclear program and the obstacles that the country poses to the IAEA’s activities make it difficult to return to the IAEA Board.”

“The current situation underscores the need for a negotiated solution for the return of Iran and the United States to the UN Security Council, as well as the continuation of talks aimed at resolving our other concerns with Iran,” the statement said.  “With the hope of achieving this goal, we welcome Biden’s clear decision to return to the United States’ commitments to the JCPOA and to continue to respect it until Iran’s mutual commitment.”

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