The report of the two day- grand opening ceremony of “the...

The book unveiling ceremony of Amir Fakhravar's new masterpiece titled "the Spirit of the Constitutional Law" was held in California, on 24 and 25...

The regime judiciary system hacked; Documents related to Amir Fakhravar’s political...

The judiciary database of the Islamic regime of Iran hacked by Edalat Ali, a hacker group, on Tuesday, March 1, 2023. Through this cyber...

Mellat Bank CEO murdered, following the conflicts among the regime’s mafia...

Reza Dolatabadi, the CEO of Mellat Bank, who first became the president of Bank Tejarat in 2013 during Rouhani's administration and was introduced as...

Fazel Lankarani: The slogan “Woman, Life, Freedom” targets the principle of...

Ayatollah Mohammad Javad Fazel Lankarani, in a meeting with the students of Qazvin province universities, pointed out that religion is in all matters and...

The body of Sheikh Ahmadi was found in Karkheh.

Four days after a government eulogist in Mahshahr became the target of partisan gunfire during the recitation of Arbaeen, the body of Sheikh Komeil...

Bolton: End of Islamic Regime could come after Iran’s Khamenei dies

Former US national security adviser John Bolton said on Thursday that, when Ali Khamenei dies (he is 84 years old), the Islamic Revolutionary Guard...