The book unveiling ceremony of Amir Fakhravar’s new masterpiece titled “the Spirit of the Constitutional Law” was held in California, on 24 and 25 February, 2024.
The first day of the event held in Beverly Hills started with Bijan Khalili’s speech, the founder and director of Ketab Corp. Mr. Khalili, who first published “ Rafiq Ayatollah” eight years ago with great success, announced the release of the new edition of this book.
In this event, Dr. Mashallah Masoumi, the deputy attorney general of the Iranian National Congress, broadcasted his message from Canada. Dr. masoumi has purchased the first volume of “The Spirit of the Constitutional Law” for ten thousand and one dollars.
Jubin Saremi, the Secretary of Urban Development from London, Bahman Etemadi from Canada, Parsa from Iran and Samuel from England, who are all members of the National Iranian Congress, delivered their speeches.
In this ceremony, the National Iranian Congress presented an appreciation plaque to Dr. Manouchehr Ganji for all his struggles for more than four decades, for the liberation of Iran.
The second day of the unveiling ceremony at University of Irvine was devoted to the review of important chapters of the book “The Spirit of the Constitutional Law” by Amir Fakhravar.
Amir Fakhravar clarified the book and said: The slogan “Life, Freedom, Equality” was mentioned in great revolutions of the world such as England, America, France, and now in Iran, our children cleverly designed the slogan “Women, Life, Freedom” in the streets and ignited the world’s fourth glorious revolution with the slogan of “fundamental rights” and are pushing it forward.
Fakhravar called chapter five of the book to be controversial and said: 275 years ago, Montesquieu himself told Iranians where we have gone wrong in his book “The Spirit of Law “. He wrote in his book: “Islam destroyed Iran”. He has reminded us with this statement that Iran used to be shining in the world and used to be the emperor of the world until Muslims attacked Iran and Iran will not be gloried again as long as Islam rules over Iran.
Although the unveiling ceremony of the Spirit of the Constitutional Law was held in a grand manner for two days, many efforts had been made to fail this plan.
NIAC, the official lobby for Mullahs’ regime in America, had Max Amini perform his shameless clown show, right next to the hall where this book unveiling ceremony was going on. On the other hand, Fawad Pashaii, the secretary general of the Constitutional party, who was chosen by Reza Pahlavi to attend the next meeting in George Town, had threatened all the guests and speakers of the book launch ceremony to disturb the event.