Senator Tom Cotton warns Biden’s team and the Islamic regime of Iran in Vienna


epublican Sen. Tom Cotton, a leading critic of JCPOA, criticized Biden, saying he has “sent his team to Vienna to negotiate an American surrender to the ayatollahs.”

“This administration is unwilling to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its nuclear blackmail efforts, support for terrorism, and attacks on American troops and our allies,” Senator Cotton wrote on Twitter.

“A Biden-Iran nuclear deal will be even worse than what came before it—and will be torn up when Republicans take power again,” he said.

Senator Cotton had said at the time of the JCPOA agreement reached during Barack Obama’s presidency that the agreement would be scrapped “with the stroke of a pen” after his presidency.

President Trump later succeeded Obama, who has repeatedly called the JCPOA the “worst deal in history,” withdrew by signing an executive order and re-enforcing all lifted sanctions.

The Islamic regime’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, who had a Twitter dispute with Tom Cotton, said the US government cannot pull out of the deal.

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