Freedom House: Khamenei’s Vanguard Regime Fighting Freedom of Expression and Information Circulation


In its latest report, Freedom House named Iran and China as the worst countries in the world in terms of Internet freedom.

Countries on the list were ranked 100 points based on various criteria for Internet freedom, including access barriers, content restrictions and infringements of users’ rights, with the best countries being close to 100 and the worst being close to zero.

Accordingly, the Islamic Regime of Iran is at the bottom of this list with 16 points after China.

Also, in this list, Russia is considered as one of the bottom Internet freedom countries in the world with 30 points.

In part of the Freedom House report, the execution of Ruhollah Zam, a member of the Iranian National Congress and director of the Amad News Telegram channel, is cited as an example of the government’s brutal crackdown on Internet dissidents.

According to the Freedom House, Global Internet freedom has declined for the 11th consecutive year. 

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