Member of Parliament: People curse us


These days, when we MPs go to the constituencies, we hear insults from the people and see criticisms with crucial points.,” remarked Javad Nikbin in a public session of the regime’s parliament on Wednesday and during the review of the plan to develop and facilitate the country’s electricity industry.

All governments became surgeons and do surgeries, thanks to God,” this MP said. Should the decrease in demand continue, the farmers, as the mainstay of the food industry, would collapse and hurt. Therefore, I urge you to take this 60-day golden opportunity to address farmers who faced power outages for 4 hours a week in the past, but recently it has reached twice a week and more than 7 hours each time; as this issue increases their dissatisfaction. Although Mr. Ra’isi’s government supports the deprived, I request that the Ministry of Energy be warned in this regard.

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