Ali Rezvani, interrogator-reporter on the British sanctions list


The British Parliament on Wednesday called for a boycott of Gholamreza Ziaei, the former head of Evin Prison, Ali Qanatakar, the deputy prosecutor of Tehran and the former investigator of the Evin court, and Ali Rezvani, the interrogator-journalist of the Islamic regime of Iran, while presenting a list of human rights violators in different countries.

The British sanctions include a travel ban and the freezing of their assets in the country.

Kylie Moore-Gilbert, a British-Australian researcher who has been imprisoned in Iran for more than two years, tweeted in response to the British Parliament’s action: “This is a start, but the UK must cast its net far wider than this.”

Ali Qanatakar, a former investigator at the Evin Prosecutor’s Office and the current head of the Drug Prosecutor’s Office, who is one of the sanctioned, has previously been the case investigator for a number of dual nationals.

Gholamreza Ziaei, the former head of Evin and Rajai Shahr prisons in Karaj, has previously been involved in beating a number of prisoners, as well as imposing severe restrictions on prisoners.

Ali Rezvani, an interrogator-intelligence correspondent for the Revolutionary Guards, was also involved in the forced confessions of political prisoners, the most famous of which were the forced interviews of Ruhollah Zam and Maryam Membini, the wife of Kavous Seyed Emami.

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