Ali Motahari: From the beginning, when we entered nuclear activity, our goal was to make bombs


Anticipating the return of Republicans to the US government and the possible failure of Iran Nuclear Negotiations, the former member of the regime’s parliament said: “In the past, we tried to get guarantees that the Americans could not break their promises, but we didn’t succeed.” It is the same today. We have to ensure that the Americans will stand firm.

Ali Motahari states that the Shari’a forbids us to use the atomic bomb but not build it. “From the very beginning, when we entered the nuclear activity, our goal was to build a bomb and strengthen the deterrent forces, but we could not keep it a secret. The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran leaked it.”

In an interview with ISCANEWS (Iran Student Correspondents Association), Motahhari added: “A country who wants to have a peaceful nuclear power never starts from enrichment, but first establishes reactors before developing the enrichment field.”

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